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Stop Cancer Before It Starts

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in Vietnam. As our risk of developing cancer increases with age, and you may have heard that our population is living longer, trends in cancer will continue to increase.
There are numerous types of cancers affecting both young and old that are too many to mention. Find out how to reduce your overall risk of developing cancer, and how screening can help detect cancers.

There are things in life you can control and certain things you cannot. You cannot alter the genes that you have inherited from your parents, as certain cancers are inherited. For your peace of mind, consider lifestyle changes. Go for regular check-ups and screenings as preventive means to detect any health issues at an early stage. It would significantly reduce your risk of developing cancer.

1. Don’t Smoke
Besides lung cancer, did you know that smoking has been linked to several other types of cancer namely mouth, larynx, pancreas, bladder, cervix and kidney? Trying to quit smoking is notoriously difficult, but there are many ways of stopping.

2. Eat a Healthy Diet
Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet is helpful. Avoid eating too much carcinogenic food such as processed meat, salted fish, burnt or heavily barbequed food, and red meat.

3. Don’t Get Obese
Obesity has been linked to cancers through several mechanisms. Chronic low-level inflammation which is associated with obesity, can cause DNA damage that result in disease.
Fat tissue also produces excess quantities of the female hormone estrogen that is associated with increased risk of gynecological and breast cancers. Obesity also increases blood insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 that may be related to colon, kidney, prostate and endometrial cancers.

4. Avoid risky behaviors
Risky behaviors such as having multiple sexual partners in unprotected sex indiscriminately, and using intravenous drug expose you to viruses like HIV, Hepatitis B & C and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) — all of which have been linked to an increased risk of developing cancers.

5. Avoid Sunlight
Over the years we have seen a gradual increase in the incidence of skin cancers in both men and women. Stay out of the sun if you can. Wearing sunblock and protective clothing, sun shades, and hats are some methods to help you avoid sunlight during outdoor activities.

6. Get Vaccinated
Some cancers have been linked to certain types of infections. A hepatitis B carrier has a higher risk of developing liver cancer. The HPV is linked to cancers of the cervix, head, and neck. Vaccinations against these viruses are available to both men and women. Ask your doctor for advice.

(Source: Raffles Medical Group)

Our medical and screening services are backed by oncology services at Raffles Cancer Centre in Singapore. We have experience in assisting patients with complex health issues and critical conditions—managing referrals and full repatriation with a complete continuum of care for patients seeking further treatment in Singapore.

For more information, please contact our center:

❇ #161, Street 51 (Pasteur), Sangkat Boeung Raing, Khan Daun Penh 12211, Phnom Penh , Kingdom of Cambodia.
❇ 855 23 216 911



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