What Your Vaginal Discharge Says About Your Health

Vaginal discharge is a regular occurrence to most women but a topic we often feel shy to discuss. We also tend to underestimate its significance and relevance to our health. Did you know there are different types and colours of vaginal discharge that can signify potential health problems? Recognising the early warning signs can help […]
Do you need smart gadgets? The lowdown on personal care tools

Artificial intelligence is making its way into toothbrushes, shavers, weighing scales and sleep trackers Does your toothbrush need artificial intelligence (AI)? More personal care gadgets are getting upgraded with AI, from toothbrushes that guide you on brushing your teeth to bathroom scales that offer dietary suggestions to achieve your ideal weight. Experts weigh in on […]
Guide: How to Care for Your Gut

A strong immune system, a stomach free from discomfort, mental clarity, and an overall good mood – these are all what it means to have a healthy gut. Severe bloating, daily fatigue, and recurrent debilitating migraines are not. According to the Singapore Cancer Registry1, digestive cancers have been identified as the most prevalent form of […]
Father’s Day Special: 7 Tips to Help Your Dad Stay in the Pink of Health

The best gift we could ever grant our loved ones is health. Appreciation can be shown in various ways. Instead of getting your dad the latest smart phone or fancy gadget, read on to find out how you can help your dad stay healthy in the long run! 1. Health Screening As one ages, their […]